Wind Turbine Service Technician
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Wind Turbine Service Technician

Skills & Interest
  • Math
  • Outdoors
  • Science
  • Technology
The Scoop

With oil being so expensive, alternative forms of energy are all the rage. Wind power is one of the oldest forms of energy (windmills, anyone?)—and nowadays, huge turbines are being built to convert the wind into electricity. These machines are built on what are known as "wind farms," and wind turbine service techs are needed to make sure they're working smoothly. It's a great job for someone who likes to fix things and would be psyched about working outdoors. Plus, you get that extra bit of satisfaction knowing that you're helping the environment. Oh, and that wind blowing through your hair feels pretty good, too.

The Details

Degree Required
Associate's Degree
Years of College
Average Salary

The Impact

As wind continues to be a viable source of energy, wind turbine techs will continue to work hard to keep the machines runningcontributing to an alternative energy source that goes easy on the Earth.

The Fact

Commercial wind turbines can be over 300 feet tall, so consider yourself warned if heights aren't your thing.